CM Seminar
Charlotte Mason 
 Study Guide
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Highlights from the New Testament

The Gospels (Penny Gardner)

Zach & Elisabeth have a Baby--Luke 1:5-25
Angel Visits Mary--Luke 1:26-38
Angel Visits Joseph--Matt1:18-24
Mary and Elisabeth--Luke 1:39-56
Birth of John the Baptist--Luke 1:57-66
Birth of Jesus--Luke 2:1-12
Baby Jesus in the Temple--Luke 2:22-40
The Wise Men--Matthew 2:1-12
Journey to Egypt--Matthew 2:13-23
Boy Jesus Visits the Temple--Luke 2:41-52
John's Ministry--Matt. 3:1-17
Jesus is Tempted--Matt. 4:1-11
(opt.)John’s Men Follow Jesus--John 1:35-51
Marriage at Cana--John 2:1-12
The First Passover--John 2:13-25
Nicodemus--John 3:1-13 (or to 21)
The Ministry--John 3:22-36
John the Baptist Goes to Prison
Matt. 14:1-12
Woman at the Well--John 4:1-42
Jesus' Mission Continues
John 4:43-54
Capernaum--Luke 4:16-44
The Fishermen--Mark 1:16-20
The Calling of Peter--Luke 5:1-11
Leper is Healed--Luke 5:12-16
The Twelve--Luke 6:12-16; 9:1-11
Sermon on the Mount--Matt. 5:1-48
(opt.) Sermon on Mount, cont.--Matt. 6:1-34
(opt.) Prayer--Matt. 7:7-23
Building a House--Matt. 7:24-29
The Centurion's Servant--Luke 7:1-10
The Widow's Son--Luke 7:11-17
Healings--Mark 1:29-34
Peace be Still--Matt. 8:18-27
The Swine--Matt. 8:28-34
Miracles in Capernaum--Matt. 9:1-17
Daughter of Jarius--Matt. 9:18-26
More Miracles in Capernaum--Matt. 9:27-35
(opt.) The Second Passover--John 5:1-47
The Sabbath Day--Matt. 12:1-21
(opt.) Pharisees & a Sign--Matt. 12:38-50
Parable of the Sower--Luke 8:4-15
Parable of the Candle--Luke 8:16-18
Parable of the Tares--Matt. 13:24-30; 36-43
Parable of the Mustard Seed--Matt. 13:31-33
(opt.) Parable of the Treasure--Matt. 13:44-52
Carpenter’s Son--Matt. 13:53-58
Feeding the Five Thousand--Matt. 14:13-21
Walking on Water--Matt. 14:22-33
More Healings--Matt. 15:21-31
Feeding the Four Thousand--Matt. 15:32-39
(opt.) Pharisees--Matt. 16:1-12
Blind Man Sees--Mark 8:22-26
Peter's Testimony--Mark 8:27-38
Transfiguration--Mark 9:2-13
The Child with Evil Spirits--Mark 9:14-32
Greatest in the Kingdom--Mark 9:33-37
(opt.) Forgiving--Mark 9:38-50
Parable of the Lost Sheep--Matt. 18:12-14
(opt.) The Unmerciful Servant--Matt. 18:23-35
Feast of the Tabernacle--John 7:2-9
Samaria--Luke 9:51-56
(opt.) The Seventy--Luke 10:1-20
The Good Samaritan--Luke 10:25-37
Martha & Mary--Luke 10:38-42
Healing on the Sabbath--Luke 13:10-17
Parable of the Unjust Steward--Luke 16:1-8
Parable of the Rich Man--Luke 16:19-31
Ten Lepers--Luke 17:11-19
(opt.) The Adulterous Woman--John 8:1-11
(opt.) Blind Man Healed--John 9:1-41
Parable of the Good Shepherd--John 10:1-18
Little Children--Matt. 19:13-15
The Rich Young Ruler--Matt. 19:16-26
The Laborers in Vineyard--Matt. 20:1-16
Feast of Dedication--John 10:22-39
Lazarus--John 11:1-46
Two Blind Men--Matt. 20:30-34
Zacchaeus--Luke 19:1-10
Parable of Pounds—Luke 19:11-27
Moneychangers--Matt. 21:12-16
The Fig-Tree--Matt. 21:17-22
Authority Challenged--Mat 21:23-27
Parable of Two Sons--Matt 21:28-32
The Wicked Husbandmen--Matt. 21:33-46
Tribute to Caesar--Matt. 22:15-22
Great Commandment--Matt. 22:34-46
Widow's Mite--Mark 12:41-44
(Opt.) Signs of Second Coming--Matt. 24:1-51
Parable of Ten Virgins--Matt. 25:1-13
Parable of  Talents--Matt. 25:14-30
Parable of Sheep & Goats--Matt. 25:31-46
Precious Ointment--Matt. 26:1-13
Eve of the Passover--Matt. 26:14-25
The Last Supper--Matt. 26:26-29
Washing the Disciples' Feet--John 13:2-17
(opt.) Comfort--John 14:1-31
Love One Another--John 15:1-17
Jesus Prays--John 17:1-4 (opt. 5-26)
Gethsemane--Matt. 26:30-46

Betrayal--Matt. 26:47-75
The Trial--Luke 22:63-71; 23:1-25
The Crucifixion--Matt. 27:27-50
The Burial--Matt. 27:54-66
Resurrection--Matt 28:1-15
Jesus Appears to Disciples--Luke 24:22-49
Doubting Thomas--John 20:24-31
Peter--John 21:1-25
Disciples Carry the Word--Mark 16:14-20 

Acts - 2 Corinthians (Tessa Hauglid)

Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven--Acts 1:1-11
A New Apostle--Acts 1:21-26
Day of Pentecost--Acts 2:1-8, 12-21
Peter Testifies of Christ
Acts 2:22-24, 38-47
Peter Heals Lame Man--Acts 3:1-9
Living the Law of Consecration--Acts 4:31-35
Lie and Die (optional) Acts 5:1-11
Arrested & Delivered--Acts 5:12, 16-32, 41-42
Transfiguration of Stephen--Acts 6:8-10, 12-15
Martyrdom: Stephen--Acts 7:51-60
Buying Priesthood Power (opt.) Acts 8:13-24
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch--Acts 8:26-35
Ethiopian Eunuch is Baptized--Acts 8:36-39
Jesus Appears to Saul--Acts 9:1-9
Ananias Restores Saul's Sight--Acts 9:10-18
Aeneas and Dorcas--Acts 9:32-42
Angel Appears to Cornelius--Acts 10:1-8
Gospel to the Gentiles--Acts 10:9, 11-23
Peter Meets Cornelius--Acts 10:24-33
Peter Teaches Cornelius--Acts 10:34-48
Believers Are Called Christians--Acts 11:19-26
Martyrdom of James and Freeing of Peter from Prison--Acts 12:1-11
Paul in Macedonia and Lydia--Acts 16:9-15
Paul and Silass Jailer Converts--Acts 16:16-34
Paul Preaches at Mars Hill--Acts 17:16-33
Paul Teaches Gentiles--Act 18:1-11
Holy Ghost Given--Acts 18:24-28; 19:1-6
Sleeping in Church Deadly--Acts 20-7-12
Paul Leaves the Ephesians--Acts 20:17-38
Paul Arrested--Acts 21:8-14, 26-36
Paul’s Conversion(opt.) Acts 21:37-40; 22:1-21
Paul Declares Roman Citizenry--Acts 22:22-30
Paul Sees the Lord in Vision--Acts 23:1-11
Forty Men Plot to Kill Paul--Acts 23:12-35
Paul Defends Self--Acts 24:10-27
Appeal to Caesar--Acts 25:1-4, 6-12, 22-27
Paul Testifies to King Agrippa--Acts 26:1-23
Agrippa Almost Converted--Acts 26:24-32
Paul's Perilous Journey--Acts 27:1-2, 9-11, 18-26, 40-44
Paul--Acts 28:1-11, 16, 23-24, 30-31
Paul's Letter--Romans 1:1, 7-12, 16-18, 29-32
God Renders to Every Man--Rom. 2:1-2, 6-11
Abraham's Faith--Romans 4:1-3, 13, 18-25
Justification thru Blood of Christ--Rom. 5:1-11
Baptism Like Death and Resurrection of Christ--Romans 6:3-11, 22-23
Life and Peace--Romans 8:1-6
Sons of God Have Hope--Romans 8:14-17, 24-28, 35-39
The End of the Law--Romans 10:1-6, 8-13, 17
Live as Saints--Romans 12:1-21
Love Fulfills Law--Romans 13:8-12
Avoid Judging One Another--Romans 14:1-19
Paul's Letter to Corinthians--1 Cor. 1:1-4, 10, 17-19, 23-24, 27, 30-31
The Spirit Reveals All Things--1 Cor. 2:1-16
Ye Are the Temple of God--1 Cor. 3:10-21, 23
The Lords Supper--1 Cor. 11:20
Gifts of the Spirit--1 Cor. 12:1, 3-12
Church Members--1 Cor. 12:13-31
Charity Never Faileth--1 Cor. 13:1-13
Paul's Testimony of Christ and Baptism for
Dead--1 Cor. 15:3-24, 29
Degrees of Glory and Resurrection--1 Cor. 15:40-41, 51-58
Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians--2 Cor. 1:1-5, 21-24
Gospel Surpasses Law of Moses--2 Cor. 3:2-6, 12-18
We Walk by Faith--2 Cor. 5:7-10, 17
Believers Not Yoked (opt.) 2 Cor 6:14-18
God Loveth Cheerful Giver--2 Cor. 8:9; 9:6-11
Paul Glories in His Infirmities for Christ--2 Cor. 11:23-28; 12:5-10; 13:11-14

Added by someone else, unknown--but THANKS!

Fruit of the Spirit--Gal. 5:22-26
Sowing and Reaping--Gal. 6:6-10
By Grace Through Faith--Eph. 2:1-10
Our Chief Cornerstone--Eph. 2:19-22
The Armor of God--Eph.6:10-20
The Coming of the Lord--1 Thess. 4:13-5:11
The Last Days--2 Tim. 3:1-9
God is Love--1 John 4:7-21
A Voice as a Trumpet--Rev.1:9-19
The New Jerusalem--Rev.21:1-7
The River of Life--Rev.22:1-5

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