Welcome to my Charlotte Mason website.
I started using Charlotte Mason’s ideas in my homeschool in 1994. It has been an amazing journey. I hope you’ll join me in this journey in your own homeschool.
For years, I have been sharing how to incorporate Charlotte Mason by presenting workshops and a multi-media in-person seminar. Now, that is replaced by a video for $25, which includes one consultation phone call of 30 minutes to answer your specific questions.
I wrote the original Charlotte Mason Study Guide in 1997 because I wanted to share Charlotte Mason’s own words with busy homeschool moms and show how to apply those principles in education at home. Then after 10 more years of experience using Miss Mason’s idea with my children, I wrote an expanded 2nd edition of the Charlotte Mason Study Guide with the deeper understanding I had gained.
“To write is to crystallize thought.”
~Penny Gardner
Penny Gardner
7682 N Butterfield Rd
Eagle Mountain UT 84005
I am selling Charlotte Mason’s six-volume set for $15 plus $5 media shipping. Info: penny9note@gmail.com.